FLLITE lessons focus on three areas for textual exploration: 1) genre or text type; 2) cultural knowledge and mindset; and 3) language features (vocabulary, grammar, rhetorical tropes, and usage strategies). They also include appropriate modes of assessment. While lessons focus on reading (interpretation), writing, and symbolic competence, they may also involve listening and speaking activities. All lessons submitted for publication are peer-reviewed. As a result, the FLLITE Project provides FL instructors with an infrastructure for professional development: receiving feedback to improve lessons before publication and a forum for sharing FLLITE-inspired lessons with a community of FL teachers and administrators. And, because all lessons published in the archive will carry open licenses, they can be easily (and legally!) retained, reused, revised, remixed and redistributed.
FLLITE example lesson:
Lesson for “Le petit chaperon rouge” (Little Red Riding Hood) from Joanna Luks’ open textbook: Le Littéraire dans le quotidien.